IATSE Local 22
IATSE Local 22

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Our Union is the I.A.T.S.E., the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, Moving Picture Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts of the United States and Canada, commonly abbreviated IATSE or IA. Local 22 represents stagehands, audio-visual technicians, and projectionists in the greater Washington, DC area, including the Maryland and Virginia suburbs of Washington.

Referral rules, application procedures, and helpful links below.

Referral Rules

To apply to work in Local 22’s referral system: First read our Referral Rules. Complete the online referral application and send a resume to referral@iatselocal22.com. Applications will be reviewed monthly. New applicants are invited into our system as the need for workers rises.
To apply for membership in Local 22: There are several ways to become a member. Anyone can fill out an application for membership. You will be voted on by our membership at a regular meeting. If you have worked with us for a while and are known by our members, there is a good chance you will be voted in.

Page Last Updated: Jul 08, 2022 (07:05:00)
IATSE Local 22
1810 Hamlin St. NE
Washington, DC 20018

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