IATSE Local 22
IATSE Local 22

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IATSE Local 22 Testing Information
Who can take the test?
Any individual who meets the requirements set down in the Local 22 Referral Rules and Procedures is eligible to take the test.
For the A test, seven (7) of the last ten (10) years of experience is required.
For the B test, four (4) of the last six (6) years of experience is required. 
For the C test, you must have 700 hours performing the work of a stagehand in the territorial jurisdiction of Local 22, and you must have completed the “Introduction to Stagecraft” class offered by Local 22.
When you register to take the test, you must provide appropriate documentation of your employment history doing the work of a stagehand
(W-2 forms, Year-end pay stubs, benefit summaries from the Union, or other proof of work experience). You may only register for one test at a time.

The eligibility and scoring requirements for the test are defined by the IATSE 22 Referral Rules & Procedures and the Constitution & Bylaws.
Please familiarize yourself with the information about testing in these documents. These documents are available to members on the website, or you may call the Union Office and request them.
How the test works:
1. Register by submitting the application form and documents that show proof of employment doing the work of a stagehand for the appropriate length of time (W-2 forms, Year-end pay stubs, benefit summaries from the Union, or other proof of work experience). Please submit these at the same time. 
You may drop off your application and work history documentation in one of two ways:
• in person at the Union Hall
• By email to testingapplications@iatselocal22.com (if applying by email, it is your responsibility to ensure that the application is sent to the correct email address).  

2. Eligibility to take the test is determined by the President based on the criteria defined by the Referral Rules and using your submitted employment history. You will get a notification (phone call or email) from the office confirming your eligibility to take the exam. Alternatively, you may be asked to verify more hours from other sources if you did not meet the initial threshold.

3. You will be notified of the date and time you should show up to take the test. This is usually the date and time published at the top of this announcement, but might be different, so make sure to carefully read any notifications you receive about testing. This may come at the same time as your confirmation of eligibility, or later in a separate communication.
Sometimes, there are enough test-takers to require staggered start times or, rarely, additional test days. The office reserves the right to assign the test session that you will attend. Additional notifications may be made leading up to each test day with updated information about your report time and date, though every effort will be made to provide this information with as much lead time as possible and to keep the schedule as published. 
4. Show up on the scheduled day and time. If you apply to take the test, you will be expected to fulfill your commitment, and appear on the assigned day, at the correct time. There will not be a “make-up test”. This is an investment in your career, and we hope you will treat it as such.
5. Please note that the test has the same status as a work or show call. If, for any reason, you cannot take the test on the scheduled day or time, you MUST call the Call Steward or the Business Agent at least two (2) hours before the scheduled test time. If you do not call the Call Steward or Business Agent by two (2) hours before the start time, you will be subject to disciplinary action by the Union. 
6. Bring your tools to all test days. Come prepared to take a test that is both written and practical. Come prepared to spend a full day at the testing site. 
What to expect:
Testing days can be long, especially for the practical. We are continually improving the process. However, if a lot of people register, it can take 
several hours to administer the exam, and you will spend time waiting to finish all the practical stations. 
Once you have entered the testing area we cannot let you leave until you have completed the test. We suggest you bring a meal and bring anything you need to spend an entire day completing the test, including any medications you require and a quiet activity for the waiting room. You may bring something to read if it is not testing related material. For example, the newspaper or a paperback are good choices, but The Backstage Handbook is not a good choice. If you require reading glasses which you do not typically have at work, please make sure to bring them with you to all test days. Once you have signed in, you will not be permitted to leave or return to your car for anything you have forgotten.
Do not bring any electronic devices, including cell phones and smart watches. We will not allow you to make or receive calls during the testing period. Do not bring your study materials with you to the testing area, including books and handouts, or equipment such as ropes for practicing knots. We can provide you with a phone number for someone at the testing location so you can arrange to be contacted in the event of an emergency. Contact the Union Office for further information.
Did I pass?

The passing grade for all IATSE Local 22 tests is 85% for both sections. All persons scoring 85% or higher on both Practical and Written Exams will advance to the appropriate level of the referral list. A combined score is not allowed, which means a passing score must be achieved separately for both sections. 
Anyone who scores at least 80%, but below 85%, on one or both sections is eligible to file an appeal. All test-takers, regardless of score, including those who pass, may make an appointment to review their test and discuss their results. An appeal cannot be submitted with a score below 80%.
Reviews and Appeals
If you did not pass the test, but scored an 80% or higher on each part, you may, during your test review, appeal any answer you feel was unfairly marked against you. This is a three (3) step process:

Step 1: Reviewing and Appealing the test with the President of the Local.
This is the only step that will involve you directly. You will meet with the 
President and make your case for any question you feel was unfairly marked against you.

Step 2: Review by the Testing Committee. The Testing Committee meets with the President and reviews all of the appeal issues anonymously at the same time. The Testing Committee will then determine whether or not the argument presented by the test taker is valid. The Testing Committee is carefully shielded from knowing whose test they are reviewing. Only the President knows the identity of any test taker making an appeal. 
Step 3: If the Testing Committee cannot resolve an issue, you must make an appointment to present your appeal to the Executive Board. This step only involves the President and the Executive Board. The decision of the Executive Board is final.

If you did not pass and did not make the threshold to allow an appeal, you may still review your test. This is recommended by the Testing Committee.
At the Practical test, you will be given a tracking sheet so you may make notes on the individual stations. You will not be allowed to take this sheet out of the test, but it will be preserved with your answer sheets and will be available to you during your review. 
What do I need to study?
A wide variety of stagecraft topics and departments are covered on this test.  The exam is a comprehensive evaluation of your knowledge of how to work in many different departments. This includes (but is not limited to) shop and stage carpentry, fly system operation, rigging, audio, video, props, lighting, power distribution, cargo handling, and equipment familiarity, during various phases of a project including load in, tech/rehearsal, show run, and load out. 
These tests do not correspond to a specific curriculum; rather, they are designed to evaluate an individual’s knowledge and skill set as developed by their many years of experience doing the work of a stagehand in various departments, as well as a knowledge of working practices within Local 22 venues. 
We recommend that you download a copy of the Local 22 Study Guide, linked at the bottom of this page. These study guides are intended to be a 
helpful reference, but are not a representation of every single topic that might be found on the test. Do not overlook the valuable information available from the people you work with! Ask questions if you have questions. We recommend you seek information about stagecraft techniques and best practices from the office, the officers of the Local, and experienced workers within the referral system. Pay attention to everything happening around you on the job site, and make it a habit to familiarize yourself with any equipment, techniques, and situations that you do not already know about, or that you see done differently than what you are used to. 
There are also many websites related to stagecraft on the internet, including manuals and other technical documentation from equipment manufacturers. These can be a very good source for up-to-date information.
You should also take advantage of the classes that are given by the IATSE Local 22 Training Fund. Reference documents and other handouts you have received from classes are also a good choice of study material. It is important to note that while every effort is made in these classes to provide accurate and relevant training about professional technical theater, the list of possible topics and techniques that may be part of the test is very broad and is not designed to exactly match the content or scope of the classes.

What do I do if I have questions?
If you have questions, or to receive a paper copy of the Referral Rules and Procedures, please contact the office at office@iatselocal22.com.
The Local 22 Testing Committee
You can download Study Guides for each of the tests below:

Download C Test Study Guide

Download B Test Study Guide

Download A Test Study Guide

Page Last Updated: Jul 17, 2024 (10:55:18)
IATSE Local 22
1810 Hamlin St. NE
Washington, DC 20018

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