IATSE Local 22
IATSE Local 22

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Local 22 Membership

Local 22 Membership Requirements


Pursuant to the International Constitution, a person applying for membership in this Local must have been a resident within the Local's jurisdiction for at least eighteen (18) months preceding application, unless waived by the International for proper cause upon application by the Local.

Such applicant shall be eighteen (18) years of age and, except for shop employees admitted under the provisions of Section 8 of this Article, must have worked in various departments within the geographical jurisdiction of I.A.T.S.E.,

Local 22, for at least twelve (12) consecutive months preceding application, unless waived by the membership at a regular or special meeting.

There shall be no discrimination against any person in respect to membership in this Local by reason of race, color, creed, national origin, sex or age.

No person shall be eligible either for membership or to retain membership in this Local who shall be a member of any organization having for its aim or purpose the overthrow, by force, of the Constitution and Government of the United States or Canada.


The Application for Membership is available from the Union Office.

Pursuant to the International Constitution, every application for membership must be made upon the official printed form supplied by the International and endorsed by the General Secretary-Treasurer of the International either before or after the vote by the Local on the application. Application for membership shall be received at any regular meeting. The applicant must deposit, or cause to be deposited, in the hands of the Secretary-Treasurer one hundred dollars ($100.00) at the time of filing plus any processing fee charged by the International; two hundred dollars ($200.00) to be paid at the time the application is accepted plus your current quarterly dues ($52.00); and the balance, seventeen hundred dollars ($1700.00), to be paid when the applicant is admitted into the Local, unless a payment plan is approved by the Executive Board (currently the Local 22 Executive Board allows monthly payments of $100 until the $1700 fee is paid). Any applicant who is guilty of making false statements upon the application form shall, if admitted to membership, be expelled upon conviction and shall be thereafter denied admission to membership in this Local. Any initiation fee paid by such member shall be forfeited upon expulsion.


Applicants for membership shall, unless waived by the Body, be required to pass satisfactory examination as to competency and qualifications. If required, such examination shall be before a Board of Examiners, consisting of or appointed by the Executive Board, and the examination shall be uniform for all applicants. The approval of the Board of Examiners is essential before further action is taken.


Pursuant to Article VII, Section 21 of the International Constitution, an applicant who has achieved vested status in the Local’s defined pension plan and who has complied with the preceding sections of this Article and who is, there under, eligible for membership shall immediately be taken into membership without vote.

Pursuant to the International Constitution, any other applicant, who has complied with the preceding sections of this Article and who is thereunder eligible for membership, shall be proposed for admission at a regular meeting of the Local. It shall be the duty of the Secretary Treasurer to notify the entire membership by mail, at least three days in advance of the meeting, that a vote on the candidate will take place at the next meeting. Pursuant to the International Constitution, such applicant shall not be present when his or her name is proposed for membership and open discussion shall be permitted. The voting will be by voice vote. If the applicant receives a majority vote of those present the applicant shall be declared by the Presiding Officer as duly elected.

If any applicant is rejected by the vote of the Local, the part of the initiation fee which has been posted shall be returned by the Secretary Treasurer.


An applicant who has met the qualifications for membership in the Local shall be notified in writing by the Secretary Treasurer to be present for induction at the next regular meeting of this Local following the endorsement by the International or at such other time as determined by the President. The President or his designee shall administer the pledge required by the International Constitution.


Pursuant to the International Constitution, membership commences from the date of the registration with the General Secretary-Treasurer or the date of endorsement by the General Secretary-Treasurer, whichever is later.

Page Last Updated: May 21, 2018 (08:18:36)
IATSE Local 22
1810 Hamlin St. NE
Washington, DC 20018

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